First Grade Information

Welcome to First Grade
We believe in working together to help our students be the best they can be!


First Semester
Language Arts:
  • Spelling will focus on short vowels and consonant blends
  • Writing skills will focus on capital letters, complete ideas and punctuation within 3 sentences.
  • Nouns and Adjectives
Social Studies:
  • My school and community= good citizens, rights, rules, laws, government leaders, symbols of USA
  • Looking at our World= parts of a map and globes, land, water, continents, oceans, reduce, reuse, recycle
  • Traditions We Share= sharing cultures, similarities and differences between families, and celebrations, Folktales and fables
  • How Scientist Work= using the 5 senses, inquiry skills, science tools
  • Technology Around Us= how engineers work, how to solve a problem, what material make up objects, natural vs man made material
  • Matter= observe objects, measure temperature, heating a cooling changes matter
  • Forces and Energy= types of energy, magnets, types of motion and how it can be changes
  • Place value for hundreds, tens, and ones.
  • Greater than, less than, or equal too.
  • Word problems and multi-step problems
  • Addition Strategies like; using pictures, making 10, count up, add in any order, doubles, doubles plus 1, doubles minus 1
  • Subtraction strategies like; using pictures, subtract to compare, count back, think addition to subtract
  • Money= recognizing and counting groups of pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters


Second Semester
Language Arts:
  • Spelling will focus on r-controlled vowels, special endings _s and _ing, long vowels, and digraphs.
  • Writing skills will focus on capital letters, complete ideas and punctuation within 6 sentences.
  • Verbs and Adverbs
Social Studies:
  • Traditions We Share continued…
  • Our Present and Past= measuring time, history, American heroes and inventors, life/technology then and now
  • Work in the Community= needs, wants, goods, services, buying, selling, spending, saving, and jobs people do
  • Earth’s Resources = what is soil, products made from natural resources like cotton, wood, rocks, and soil, reduce, reuse, recycle.
  • Weather and Seasons= tools to observe weather, different seasons
  • Objects in the sky= stars, sun, moon, and how they change throughout the day/cycle
  • Living and Non-Living Things= plants, animals, and their environments
  • Animals= similarities and differences, different groups, and animal life cycles
  • Plants= parts of a plant, how are plants different
  • Counting forward and backward from 0-120
  • Skip counting by twos, fives, and tens from 0-120
  • Fact families and equal expression
  • 2D shapes and 3D shapes
  • Fractions= equal & unequal parts, halves, and fourths
  • Measurement= compare and explore length
  • Time= to the hour and half hour
  • Graphing= picture & bar graphs, and tally charts
  • Financial literacy (spending, saving, and giving to charity)



Student Parent Handbook states that no changes can be made in dismissal after 2:45pm. We also ask that changes must be in writing.

Four Dismissal Areas:

  • Sidewalk pick up
    • at the playground by the Library and First Grade building
    • student must be picked up by parent or older sibling
  • Car Pick Up
    • by the Flag Pole
  • Bus Rider
  • Youth Center